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Welcome to a new Eden – two billion miles from Earth

"No other body in the solar system more closely resembles Earth than Saturn's moon, Titan. It has methane lakes and seas and scientists now believe that an underground ocean could even harbour life, says Robin McKie"

Category: Space


Herschel space telescope pierces giant star bubble

"A colossal star many times the mass of our own Sun is seen growing in a bubble of excited gas just pictured by the Herschel space observatory"

Category: Space


Is Stephen Hawking right about aliens?

"Stephen Hawking thinks that making contact with aliens would be a very bad idea indeed. But with new, massive telescopes, we humans are stepping up the search. Have we really thought this through?"

Category: Space


Asteroid coated with ice suggests ingredients for life came from space

"Ice and organic chemicals found on an asteroid back the theory that asteroids provided the Earth with the bare necessities of life"

Category: Space


Hawking warns over making contact with aliens

"Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned."

Category: Space

Displaying results 86 to 90 out of 417